About us

Flavour SenseNation is a touring interactive exhibition that explores how our senses inform and influence our perception of food and flavour. We hope that your sensory journey with our exhibition will help amplify your appreciation of the taste experience.

Our mission

Our project explores the often surprising ways in which our senses guide our food choices and dining habits. It also gives an insight into how these choices can affect our health – and our environment. Science engagement (getting people involved) is what we do and we like to do it in ways that are creative, informative and fun.


FSN Pop-up exhibition

Immersive narrative event; a journey of sensory “stations” demonstrating how each sense impacts on flavour perception.



Exhibition Design and production

Tailored exhibition design and production for client commission.



Immersive Stage Presentations

An audience participatory event, with materials in kits designed and produced by Flavour SenseNation. Suitable for large stage events.  This is a guided presentation with audience experiments. 



Sensory events with food and drinks design

Audience sensory experiments, delivered with theme-specific drinks and food design. This may incorporate roaming activities.



Primary Science resources

Our resources have been specially tailored by consultations with scientists and science education experts to design questions, stories and experiments that tie in with the learning objectives of the lesson. See all.

